Tuesday 1 March 2011

G321: Notes On Titles

Now that we have considered and planned what our institutional logos will be, we now need to think about all the titles that will feature in our opening sequence. We have to think about this carefully as one of the main purposes of an opening is to display the titles. We have looked at existing films and their title sequence in order to take note of the order in which they appear. As a group we have decided what we would like to include the following titles:

    • Institution company logo + name
    • Second institution company logo + name
    • Main actress
    • Supporting actors
    • Film title
    • Editors names
    • Writers names
    • Directors name

These are also the order in which we would like our titles to appear. We have condensed the conventional list of titles to the ones that we feel are most important for our opening. This is because after looking at existing title sequences we have found that they normally run on for more than the 2 minute time span that we have. We don't want to squeeze all the titles in as this will look rushed and unprofessional, we would rather include the main ones and incorporate them effectively into the sequence. On a previous post (G321: Storyboard and Script for Opening) we have included images and explanations of whereabouts in the sequence these titles will appear.


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