Due to the fact that we are filming in a secluded office for the whole sequence factors such as traffic and dangerous environments do not need as great consideration as things such as interacting with the general public, disturbing people working at the location and getting permission for filming.
For our opening we need to consider:
- Getting permission to film in our chosen location - we have already recieved permission from the bank mananger saying we can use the facilities for filming.
- Being polite and respectful to those working in the location - on the day of filming we will ensure we are quiet and do not intrude on those working and cause them any distractions. As we are using a private office it will be easier for us to remain in one place and not have to move around too and not get in peoples way.
- Being aware of electical equipment - as our setting is focused a lot on a computer and other office electrics we have to be aware of the danger these could lead to. For example, drinks and other liquids near plugs and computer screens could cause electricution. In order to avoid this happening we need to take care in ensuring that props such as coffee mugs do not actually contain any liquid and also when taking breaks etc we need to make sure we are away from computers and other electrical equipment.
Cath, Charley, Joanna
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