Saturday 19 March 2011

G321: Auditions for Ryan Westwood

The character of Ryan Westwood only appears in a photograph in the opening of our film. Therefore to audition for this role, we have taken photographs of different people of different ages and will cast them based on heir look and their suitability for our female actress as they will be playing her boyfriend. We have evaluated their suitability for the role below.

Chris Pacher

We thought that this person would be suitable for the character of Ryan Westwood as he has dark hair and looks friendly.  He would fit well next to the look of any of our auditionees for the role of Penelope Fox. On the other hand, this actor could look too old next to some of our female actresses which would make their relationship less realistic.

Will Howlett

We decided to audition this person because he is the same age as some of our actresses and would therefore look believable as the ole of her boyfriend. Even though he is younger than what we orginally wanted this character to be, he does look more mature for his age and could potenially play the role successfully. 

David Hyde
We chose to audition this person because he is of the age that we origianlly had planned for this character and would be well suited to any of our female auditionees. This photo is also suitable to use in the opening sequence of our film which will save us time if we choose to cast this person. Even though he does not look the way we had originally intended, we feel he would still fit the character well.

Cath, Charley, Joanna

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