Saturday 19 March 2011

G321: Final Decision for Actors

Having now auditioned a number of actors to cast in our film opening we have come to our final decision of who will star in our film. The actors we have chosen are Amy Platt, Louise Chick and David Hyde as we feel they are most appropriate for the roles of Penelope Fox and Ryan Westwood.

Amy Platt
We have chosen Amy to star as the role of Penelope Fox in our film as she is most suited to the look we are going for for this character. She is tall, slim and dresses fashionably in the same way we imagined the character to. Amy has also had some drama experience and gained a good qualification in this subject and will therefore be able to create a credible character and performance.

Louise Chick
We have decided to cast Louise for the voice over in our opening as we really liked the style in which she read out our script. Her good drama experience is very helpful as she is able to create the sort of emotions and characterisation we are looking for. She will be playing the same character as Amy but will act as her voice because she is unfortunately unavailable to film with us on our scheduled days.

David Hyde
After considering all three of the actors for the part of Ryan Westwood we have decided to cast David Hyde as we think he is most suited to the character and would look believable as Penelope Fox's boyfriend. For this character in the opening we did not need to consider acting ability as the character only appears in a photograph. However if we were considering the whole film, this actor does have experience in acting and would be able to fulfill the role of Ryan Westwood.

Cath, Charley, Joanna

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