Friday 18 March 2011

G321: Consent Forms

A consent form is needed from the actor who will appear in our film so that they can agree to being part of our film and so that they understand that the footage taken of them may be used, published, reproduced, recorded, adapted, modified, complied and editied by us. It is also so that they understand that the performance will be posted on the internet but only media students will have access to it. Also, it is an opportunity to find out if our actors would like to be credited in our title sequence.

We have recieved signed consent forms from both our actors: Amy Platt and Louise Chick. Both decided that they do not wish to be credited in the final flm and so we will be taking this into account when we are adding the titles to the completed film. Because both of our actors are under 18 years old, we also recieved permission from their parents to allow them to take part in our film. This means that the actors are fully aware of what they will be involved in and their parents will be aware also.

Below are photographs of the signed consent forms from both our actresses.

Amy Platt                                                     Louise Chick

Cath, Charley, Joanna

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